Legend of Binges's Past

 Legend of Binges's Past

Dieters often associate the holidays and special celebrations with fear and misery, even though they should be times of immense delight. Why? Why? Because parties just wouldn't be the same without an abundance of delicious, calorie-laden treats. Does this mean you should isolate yourself socially in order to avoid temptation? No. Making and sticking to a pre-holiday survival "plan" is the "secret" to surviving the season.

The adage "if you don't plan, you prepare to fail" has been overused and cliched. Still, it's great advice for achieving success. Over the holidays, most people not only don't plan, they actively aim to fail.

A lot of folks "blow" their diet and skip exercises when the holidays roll around. They plan to eat more, do less exercise, and put on weight. They settle for mediocrity at best and regress at worst rather than make an effort by taking charge.

This pessimistic outlook causes the prediction to come true. When January rolls around, they realize they're in worse shape than they've been in all year and rush to make resolutions to lose weight. Do you mean that? On the other hand, are you going to be a strong person and avoid gaining weight till the new year?

In the spirit of our previous binges, let's go back to October. The combination of Oktoberfest and Halloween led some of us on a massive junk food binge. Halloween and Oktoberfest are in the past. Does that imply you're going to become a food scrooge because of your prior binges? Are you planning to skip holiday parties in order to cut out the fatty food?

Whoa, huh! What can you do to keep from being a sad food scrooge?

Remove all of the Halloween sweets from your home first. Get rid of it. Sure, kids in developing nations go hungry, but you can't help by gorging on everything you see! Along with that, satisfying our cravings for sugar is similar to tending to a plant. Just makes things worse, necessitating more effort the following time around. Whoa, huh!

Hold on! Find whatever you've been hoarding and dispose of it in the garbage along with your used coffee grounds and banana peel. Yes, please remove the treats from your workstation.

If you discover that your house is echoing after you eat all the candy, try replacing it with unsalted nuts, fruits, or vegetables.

Secondly, make preparations to inform loved ones not to bring food as presents. Even if you don't receive them, it's polite to thank the giver before passing the food on to someone else. You can avoid offending the giver and still satisfy your own need in this way.

Finally, make a schedule. Always on the go, it's hard to find a moment to do everything from planning to eating to exercising to cleaning to grocery shopping to cooking to decorating. In the days leading up to your activities, sit down and make a detailed calendar of each day. Make a plan based on what you can reasonably accomplish in a given time frame. While you're out and about, make sure you have a meal substitute. In comparison to fast food, they are both more convenient and healthier.

Be sure to alter your recipes as a fourth step. No need to give up tried-and-true favorites; simply tweak them to your liking. By sautéing celery and onions in broth instead of butter, you can make bird stuffing low in fat. In gelatin molds, slice calories using sugar-free gelatin. If you're watching your calorie intake, it may be worth reviewing your recipes to find ways to cut back on certain items or use healthier alternatives.

As a fifth point, aim to set aside any excess. Even when you're full, you tend to eat leftovers instead of putting them in the fridge. Some ideas for what to do with leftovers include giving them away, putting them in containers for visitors to take, bringing them to work in portions, or using them as part of a diet plan.

Number six, watch what you consume. Look over the holiday spread as soon as you arrive at the gathering and choose a few "healthy" items to eat while avoiding the rest. Savor each bite as you eat carefully. A meal replacement might help you feel full before you get to the holiday party table laden with "once a year, you have to eat me treats," which can lead to overeating.

Seventh, if you're busy like the majority of people and don't have time to cook nutritious meals from scratch, a meal replacement may be the solution for you. Researchers found that compared to those who only attempted to reduce calorie intake, those who substituted portion-controlled items (such as liquid shakes or snack bars) for many meals per week lost a lot more weight after three months. Why are meal replacements so effective? Substituting meals simplifies things. Put an end to calorie and carb counting!

You can avoid failing to plan altogether. Including meal replacements in your diet will help you reach New Year's without gaining a single pound. Plus, if you reach New Year's Day without gaining weight, you can skip the stampede of people trying to cut calories on that special day. You may embrace your new lifestyle without resorting to restrictive dieting while everyone else jumps on the bandwagon. When it comes to flavor, nothing beats thin feels.

Visit http://www.waistline-management.com or give Dolletta Mitchell a call at 888-325-3062 for additional details on how to use meal replacements to lose weight and get thin.

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